Before & After-Care

Christian schools Atlanta Before and after care

The weekly rate for Before-Care and After-Care is $70 per week. To qualify for the weekly rate, you must complete the request form and it must be received no later than Thursday at 4 pm with payment to be made no later than Friday of the week before. Recurring payments may be scheduled through our Finance Department at 678-632-6001.

The daily rate for Before-Care and After-Care is $35 per day. Charges for the daily rate must be paid when your scholar is picked up, either by credit or debit card. No cash will be accepted.

Before Care is from 6:30 am to 7:29 am each morning.

The late pick-up rate is $5 per minute after 6:30 pm. These charges also must be paid when your scholar is picked up.

If the daily charges or late pick-up charges are not paid when the scholar is picked up, the scholar may not return to school until the charges are paid.

Scholars will be placed in After-Care if the scholar is not picked up by 4:00 pm.

If interested in Before-Care or After-Care, please sign up using the link below.

Before-Care/After-Care Sign-Up

Exceptional. Christian. Affordable

The Academy of Scholars is a private, independent, Christian school located in Decatur, Georgia. Our Mission is to develop our scholars to their fullest intellectual, moral, spiritual, emotional, physical, and social potential in a safe, supportive, interactive, nurturing environment. Contact our office for enrollment.