Private Christian School News

Develop Better Social Skills in Children

Social Science: 10 Evidence-Based Ways to Develop Better Social Skills in Children

Let’s be honest–even as adults, most of us would probably say we wish we had better social skills. Sure, you might be a social butterfly or the most eloquent and charismatic personality. But chances are, you still have those moments after a social interaction where you wish you would have said or done things differently. […]

Common Reading Challenges for Kids

Breaking Down Barriers: 7 Common Reading Challenges for Kids and How to Overcome Them

Is your child having trouble reading? It might help to know that you are by no means alone. A report by The Nation’s Report Card found that 37% of fourth graders in the United States read well below grade level. Why is it that so many children are severely behind in reading? There are many […]

Homework Hacks for grade schooler

Homework Hacks: Crafting an Effective Routine for Your Grade Schooler

Homework. It’s something that kids and parents often dread. Whether in your own grade school years or in your role as parent, you’ve likely experienced the frustration of a late night at the dinner table accompanied by tears and an overwhelming desire to throw in the towel. It can leave parents wondering if homework is […]

Fun and Engaging Ways to Turn Your Child Into a Certified Bookworm

7 Fun and Engaging Ways to Turn Your Child Into a Certified Bookworm

Thanks to Hollywood, bookworms haven’t always gotten the respect they deserve. They’re often portrayed as “nerds” or outcasts. And while this may or may not contribute to the aversion that many of the younger generation experience towards reading, it’s far from an accurate picture. As parents, it’s our responsibility to instill in our children a […]

Outdoor Science Lessons

Nature’s Classroom: 6 Benefits of Outdoor Science Lessons

Science, to put it simply, is the observation of the world around us. And while textbooks may hold pages, chapters, and volumes of valuable information, nature will always be the most effective teacher. At our private school in Atlanta, Georgia, we recognize that a purely textbook-based science education can miss the mark when it comes […]

Improving Handwriting and Fine Motor Skills

Creating Coordination: 13 Tips for Improving Handwriting and Fine Motor Skills

Developing fine motor skills is crucial for young children to be able to succeed in the tasks required of them, both in and out of the classroom. Fine motor skills require the movement and coordination of the body’s smaller muscles, like hands, fingers, and wrists. Tasks like writing, using scissors, buttoning clothing, eating, and turning […]

Improve Your Child’s Reading Comprehension

9 Proven Ways to Improve Your Child’s Reading Comprehension

Reading is far more than piecing letters and sounds together. In order for a child to excel at this critical life skill, reading comprehension is a must. Children who master the art of reading comprehension are able to understand the meaning and context behind the words on a page, as well as make connections and […]

Cultivate a Love for Bible Reading in Children

5 Ways to Cultivate a Love for Bible Reading in Children

Christian parents know that the Bible is the most important book your child will ever read. It introduces them to Jesus and the good news of the gospel, it’s full of wisdom and sound advice, it points us in the way we should go, and it offers encouragement and hope. However, picking up a Bible […]

Do We Really Need More Screen time in the Classroom

Do We Really Need More Screen time in the Classroom?

Technology has forever changed the way we do life. It’s seeped into every corner, nook, and cranny of society, and it’s safe to say it’s not going anywhere. If you’re a parent with students in school, you might be wondering if the use of technology in the classroom is really necessary. After all, keeping the […]

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