Homework Hacks for grade schooler

Homework Hacks: Crafting an Effective Routine for Your Grade Schooler

Homework. It’s something that kids and parents often dread. Whether in your own grade school years or in your role as parent, you’ve likely experienced the frustration of a late night at the dinner table accompanied by tears and an overwhelming desire to throw in the towel. It can leave parents wondering if homework is really worth the headache, the time, and the drama, especially considering how much time your child spends in the classroom.

Here at the Academy of Scholars, an elementary school in Atlanta, Georgia, we want parents to understand that there’s a purpose in the procedure. Homework allows children the opportunity to commit what they’ve learned to long-term memory. In addition, it fosters crucial skills like organization, time management, and a sense of pride and responsibility in their work.

Understanding the why behind the task can help you and your child come up with a good system for managing homework. With the right tools in your belts, you can create healthy homework habits that will set your grade schooler up for success in the classroom and beyond.

9 Tips for Fostering Healthy Homework Habits

1. Be Available

We know that dedicating time to helping your child with homework can be difficult. You may have spent a long day at work only to come home to more work—making dinner, doing dishes, and attacking a pile of laundry that rivals Kilimanjaro. However, taking the time to help your child stay on task with their homework and guide them through questions and tricky spots will allow your child’s nightly homework session to be shorter and more effective in the long run.

2. Keep It Consistent

Set aside a designated time each day for homework. This might be before dinner or after. Once you’ve picked an optimal time, try to keep it consistent. Children will eventually put up less of a fight to sit down and do their homework when they understand what is expected of them and when. Soon, it will become as habitual as brushing their teeth before bedtime.

3. Combat Chaos

Children learn and work better when their environment is calm and controlled. Homework time should have minimal distractions, which means limiting excessive noise, removing phones, and helping your child stay on track.

4. Designate a Space

Chaotically searching for and clearing a space to do homework each evening can turn anybody off of homework. Decide on a designated space where homework can be done each day and ensure that it is always ready to go.

Help your child keep the area clear of clutter. You can also keep it stocked with the essentials. This might include pencils, rulers, and a good supply of lined paper. In addition, make sure the space has minimal distractions and is near enough for your child to easily ask you for help.

5. Foster Parent-Teacher Communication

One of the best ways a parent can help their child succeed in the homework game is by staying in the know. Make sure you understand what assignments are coming up and when they’re due. Chat with your child’s teacher about any areas where your student might be struggling and need some extra help. If you’re unclear about the directions or expectations for a specific assignment, don’t hesitate to ask.

If your child is old enough, nudge him or her to ask. This independence will serve them well in the coming grades.

6. Equip Your Child with Study Skills

Most people couldn’t sit down at a piano and perfectly play through Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 without any prior training. First, you have to master crucial skills like sight reading and rhythm.

Homework is no different. In order for a child to succeed in their homework, they need to learn the right skills to get the job done. Make sure your student understands how to read actively, take notes, retain information, and ask questions. In addition, study tools like flashcards, highlighters, and sticky notes can give your child an additional advantage.

7. Talk About Tough Spots

Children should understand that struggling to grasp certain academic concepts is completely normal. Rather than getting frustrated when something doesn’t click, make sure your child feels safe to ask questions and seek your guidance.

8. Make It Manageable

Every adult who’s ever had to meet a deadline knows that leaving things until the last minute is detrimental to success and a recipe for stress. Help your child manage their time and workload by calculating the time, effort, and resources needed to complete an assignment. If needed, help them break it up into smaller, more manageable pieces.

9. Keep It Positive

No matter how hard the assignment or frustrating the concept, help your child stay positive about their homework routine. If needed, offer the occasional incentive or reward for completing an assignment or a job well done. Consider your language regarding homework assignments and routines and do your best to keep and encourage a positive attitude. The more positive the overall experience, the easier it will be to create and maintain a consistent and successful homework routine.