Dear Parent or Guardian,
Our first responsibility as a school is to keep all scholars, faculty, and staff safe. This morning, AOS was made aware of our first ever student cases of COVID-19 during in-person learning. We learned that two siblings tested positive yesterday (3rd Grade-Bideau/4th Grade-Walker). We were also made aware that a third scholar tested positive yesterday as well (4th Grade-Walker).
Within Ms. Bideau’s and Ms. Walker’s classes, there are 10 scholars (to our knowledge, none of whom have tested positive) who have siblings in the following teachers’ classes: Ms. Clack, Mrs. Cochran, Ms. Boyd, Ms. Calhoun, Ms. Humphrey, Ms. Moreland, Ms. Peluso, and Ms. Weems.
In keeping with our mission of keeping our scholars safe, Ms. Bideau’s and Ms. Walker’s classes will be quarantined for the next eight school days. During this time of quarantine, scholars will be able to attend school virtually. These scholars will be eligible to return to school on Tuesday, September 7, the day after the Labor Day holiday.
All siblings of scholars in Ms. Bideau’s and Ms. Walker’s classes must remain at home as well. Siblings will be eligible for return after 10 full days have passed since the last exposure (Friday, September 3) OR 7 full days have passed since last exposure WITH a negative test on day 5-7 (Tuesday, August 31). Testing must occur no sooner than 5 days after their last exposure (Sunday, August 29). These siblings are also eligible to attend school virtually during this time.
Our response is in keeping with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Georgia Department of Public Health, as well as other experts. During this time of quarantine, scholars will be able to attend school virtually with the same curriculum they would have had in class. Virtual class will begin daily at 8:00 am and end at the regularly scheduled time of dismissal. Scholars must wear their uniform for Virtual class each day.
If your scholar is experiencing symptoms, please call your doctor right away, notify AOS, keep all siblings home, and obtain COVID-19 test.
COVID-19 Symptoms
Fever (100 degrees or higher), shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, cough, headache, new loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, congestion or runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, muscle or body aches.
We believe in the efficacy of our COVID-19 protocols and will be vigilant in continuing these efforts in order to keep our community safe.
AOS COVID-19 Protocols
- AOS scholars, faculty and staff, and campus visitors will now be required to wear a mask indoors, regardless of vaccination status as we begin the school year.
- AOS will no longer require daily temperature/health checks upon arrival to school, but we ask families to continue to monitor their scholars’ health. Any scholar exhibiting any of the above COVID-19 symptoms should obtain a COVID-19 test. If the test is negative, they are free to return to school when they are feeling better and are fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours.
- If a scholar tests positive for COVID-19 or comes in close contact with someone impacted by COVID-19 (i.e. within 3 feet for at least 15 minutes), that scholar must quarantine for a period of 7 to 10 days. A negative COVID-19 test will be required to return after 7 days.
- If a scholar or teacher tests positive, AOS will attempt contact trace to ensure all who are impacted comply with COVID-19 protocols for unvaccinated/vaccinated individuals.
- Daily classroom cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing.
We appreciate your understanding as we worked diligently this morning to contact trace and communicate our findings to you. It was our effort to communicate the most accurate and detailed information as quickly as we could. We pray that all scholars and their families endure this time with peace, love, and the grace of God and we sincerely hope that all scholars will be able to join us again in person on Tuesday, September 7.
Dr. Stacy Lambert-Johnson