Private Christian School News

Wish Your Kids Had More Discipline

Wish Your Kids Had More Discipline? Try These 7 Tips

Discipline. It’s the foundation of success in every area of life. From classrooms to careers, family relationships to friendships, discipline is the glue that holds things together. It’s the energy source that keeps things going when times are tough. Here at The Academy of Scholars private school in Atlanta, we believe that students who learn […]

Reyna Dave

What Role Does Parental Involvement Play in Fostering a Love for Reading Among Children?

Parents play a large role in their children’s lives. Children tend to love what their parents love, which gives parents an advantage when trying to instill a love of reading in their children. How can parents foster their children’s love of reading? Some readers shared their perspectives on the matter. Keep reading to find out […]

Iesha Mulla

What is the Importance of Spiritual and Faith Development for Children’s Academic Progress?

Learning isn’t limited to academics. A spiritual education is just as important for developing minds as a secular one. What role does spiritual and faith development play in a child’s education? How important is it? Some fellow followers shared their thoughts on the connection between spirituality and academic progress. Keep reading to find out what […]

Ways to Teach Your Child to Love Well

Learning to Love: 9 Ways to Teach Your Child to Love Well

When the bank and local fast food joints hang hundreds of cutout hearts from the ceiling and you can’t watch a football game without being bombarded with jewelry commercials, you know it’s February. Valentine’s Day might seem like one more holiday that takes over store shelves with candy and demands your participation, but it’s also […]

Advantages of Sending Your Child to a Christian School

Christ-Centered Learning: 9 Advantages of Sending Your Child to a Christian School

Determining where your child will spend so much of their formative years is no small decision. Chances are, you’ve been weighing your options since they were crawling around in diapers. In today’s cultural climate, the decision seems more crucial than ever. And it is. Parents want to know they can trust the values and influences […]

Ways to Help Your Children Develop a Godly Nature

Character Counts: 9 Ways to Help Your Children Develop a Godly Nature

These days, all you have to do is flip on the news to be reminded of the sad state of so much of the world. Even a trip to the grocery store can paint a picture of the impatient, self-serving, and uncaring turn that society has taken. Values and good character seem to be things […]

Zarina Bahadur

How Can Parents and Teachers Manage School Tantrums Effectively?

Tantrums can be overwhelming and overstimulating for both the child experiencing the big emotions and everyone else within earshot of the tantrum. What are the best methods for handling tantrums? Some fellow parents, teachers, and child experts shared some tips on managing tantrums at or about school. Keep reading to find out how they recommend […]

Ways to Foster Child Brain Development Through Music

9 Ways to Foster Child Brain Development Through Music

It’s no secret: music can have a profound effect on the mind. A light, joyful melody can change the course of a bad day. An upbeat tune can motivate us to go a little further on a morning jog. And an instrumental of a favorite love song can inspire tears when a bride walks down […]

Dhanvin Sriram

What Causes Exam Anxiety in Children?

When a teacher announces that everyone needs to put their pencils down because an exam is over, anyone can have an elevated heart rate. But exam anxiety is more than just regular jitters before a test. What can cause an elevated response to exams in children? What can parents do to help reduce it? Some […]

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