Private Christian School News

10 Questions to Nurture a Child’s Critical Thinking

10 Questions to Nurture a Child’s Critical Thinking

Kids need critical thinking skills. Teachers and parents can help. Kids won’t develop this overnight, and a critical thinking lightbulb won’t flick on at a specific age. Instead, it is planted, watered, and nurtured through seeds of conversation from the time children begin processing spoken language. At The Academy of Scholars Christian private school here […]

Creative Ways to Teach Children Self-Awareness

Creative Ways to Teach Children Self-Awareness

A self-aware child is equipped to understand their emotions, thoughts, and principles. Beyond that, they can discern the effect these things will have on their behavior. If a playground bully cuts in front of a self-aware child who is waiting to play foursquare, they’ll understand what’s bubbling up inside of them. The self-aware child will […]

Questions to ask Yourself When Choosing a Christian private School

7 Questions to ask Yourself When Choosing a Christian private School

If you’ve been praying for the perfect Christian private school for your children, we’re here to help. There are so many private schools out there, and we know how protective you are of your impressionable scholars who will make their mark on this world in a big way. You’re passionate about finding a Christian-based school […]

Victoria Taylor

Will sending a child to a Christian school help them become a better person?

Children spend a lot of time within the walls of their school, so it’s no surprise that parents may want to be selective about where they send their child. While there are many factors to be considered regarding school choice, whether or not a school is a Christian school is an important one. Some of […]

5 Ways to Help Your Child Build a Healthy, Christ-Centered Self-Esteem

5 Ways to Help Your Child Build a Healthy, Christ-Centered Self-Esteem

From a parent’s vantage point, the world can seem like a troubling place. The dangers of cyberbullying may keep you up at night. Then there are the devastating tide pools of social-media driven comparison for our kids to slip into. And finally, there are the concerning points of public school curriculum that conflict with Christian […]

Kelly Mason

How can you motivate your children to learn coding and computer science in a fun way?

Teaching your kids about computers can seem like a mundane to them. But, if you can make learning a skill, such as coding, a fun experience, chances are that they will stick with it. So how can parents make coding more fun than scraping dinner scraps into the garbage? Some of our readers had some […]

Five Ways Young Learners Can Benefit From Computer Science

Five Ways Young Learners Can Benefit From Computer Science

Computer science isn’t just the future for our children; it’s the present. Physical textbooks, DVDs, and CDs are becoming obsolete as our society becomes less patient and more technologically advanced. Why take the time to grab a DVD and mess with a DVD player when you can pull Netflix up with the push of a […]

Seven Ways Online Education Can Set Your Child up for Success

Seven Ways Online Education Can Set Your Child up for Success

There are many reasons in-person school may not be the best fit for your child. If so, you may have considered online school. While online school isn’t for everyone, it’s the perfect fit for many. It can provide the tools to succeed during the schooling years—and in life. If you’re weighing the prospects of online […]

Kyle Crisp

How can I make sure my child is “internet-safe” while attending online school?

The internet is not a safe place for young children to explore alone. However, when used safely, it can be an excellent resource to help children learn and even attend classes. If your child is going to be participating in online schooling, it is vital to teach them how to safely use the internet. Here […]

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