School Uniforms

Christian independent schools nd grade reading

The uniform policy will be strictly enforced.

New students must purchase the Uniform Package before they can attend class. Uniform package prices are available to each student one time during their career at The Academy of Scholars. Returning students may purchase new uniform pieces à la carte.

Please Note:

Previously purchased uniform bottoms with the Parker or Buckhead logos may still be worn. You and your child(ren) must be present to try on and pick-up uniforms after payment has been made.

aos uniform official shoes
AoS Uniform

Exceptional. Christian. Affordable

The Academy of Scholars is a private, independent, Christian school located in Decatur, Georgia. Our Mission is to develop our scholars to their fullest intellectual, moral, spiritual, emotional, physical, and social potential in a safe, supportive, interactive, nurturing environment. Contact our office for enrollment.