Courtney Galyen

Does enrolling your child in a private kindergarten school build them a better foundation for learning?

The education of children is a top priority for most parents. As a child gets close to school age, the question of where the child will attend school arises. Wanting the best for your child, you may consider a private school. But, you may wonder if a private school is worth it. Will a private school provide a better learning foundation for your child? Keep reading as a few parents answer this question.

Courtney Galyen

Courtney Galyen

Director at .

It Depends On The Child

In many states, private school teachers do not have to undergo the same certification process as public school teachers. This could mean that they do not have the same level of training in early childhood development that public school teachers are required to have. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are less qualified, but it does mean parents should ask questions to their potential school and do their due diligence to find out how the teachers are trained.

These schools are usually unprepared (or at least under-prepared) for children with special education disabilities. Public schools mandate that procedures are in place to help every student, regardless of ability. Private schools do not have to make the same accommodations. If your child has special needs, a private kindergarten is probably not equipped to handle the child’s individual needs.

Student groups in these private schools tend to be homogenous and fairly high achieving. This makes it easier for teachers to move at an accelerated pace and deliver rigorous instruction without having to differentiate for multiple learning styles and abilities. A private school could be an excellent fit if your child is already operating at an advanced level.

Amy Smith

Amy Smith

Director & Co-Founder of .

Yes, If You Can Afford It

1. Quality Of Education
Private kindergarten schools often boast smaller class sizes, which can provide a more personalized learning experience for children. Teachers can dedicate more time to each student, ensuring they receive the attention and guidance needed to excel academically.

Furthermore, private schools tend to have access to more resources, such as advanced teaching materials and technologies, which can contribute to a richer educational experience.

2. Environment And Social Dynamics
A private kindergarten’s environment and social dynamics can differ significantly from public schools. Private institutions often have a more diverse student population, exposing children to different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. This can help them develop a broader worldview and foster important social skills like empathy and understanding.

Additionally, private schools often strongly emphasize character development and community involvement, which can instill a sense of responsibility and commitment to the well-being of others.

3. Financial Implications
One of the main drawbacks of private kindergarten education is the financial burden it can place on families. Tuition fees can be quite steep, which may not be feasible for all families. Moreover, [families must] weigh the benefits of private education against the sacrifices that may need to be made in other areas of a family’s budget, such as extracurricular activities, vacations, or even investments in the children’s future education.

Enrolling children in a private kindergarten school can give them a better learning foundation in certain aspects, such as personalized attention, access to advanced resources, and exposure to diverse social dynamics. However, [families must] carefully consider the financial implications, as the costs can be prohibitive for some.

Ultimately, deciding whether to pursue private kindergarten education should be based on a family’s needs, values, and financial circumstances. Parents can make the best decision for their children’s educational journey by carefully evaluating these factors.

Mo Mulla

Mo Mulla

Parenting Expert and Founder of .

Yes, Thanks To Small Classes

Enrolling your kids in a private kindergarten school can definitely give them a better learning foundation, as they learn and develop skills in small classes with highly qualified teachers. They also get more individualized attention since the smaller class sizes make it easier to keep up with their studies and focus on developing their skills.

Private schools also often offer enrichment activities such as music or art lessons that may help further develop your child’s education. It is important to remember that only some have access to private schools due to cost or location factors, so public schools should still be considered an option when making this decision.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors’ statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.

Amy Smith

How can children benefit from learning a second language in a private school?

Children learn a lot during their school years. Are there benefits to having a second language be one of the things they fit into their education? Some of our readers share their insight about the benefits of learning a second language at a private school. Keep reading to have a better understanding about whether or not having your child learn a second language is the right path for your family.

Aura De Los Santos

Aura De Los Santos

Clinical Psychologist, Specialist at .

Communicate with Other Cultures

Learning a second language will not only allow children to communicate with other cultures and create relationships both at a friendship and work level but also work on various aspects of their learning process.

A private school that teaches a second language with the same priority as other curricular classes helps children to concentrate better and improve memory. As a second language is a process of deciphering, memorizing, and internalizing a language other than the native one, children are immersed in a process where they use various psychological resources to reach it, and in this process, various areas of learning are strengthened.

Children who learn a second language at school also have improvements in their self-esteem. Learning a second language is something to be proud of, as it is hard to learn other ways of communicating with other cultures. Children feel capable of mastering other areas of their lives, and this helps their development as individuals.

Another benefit that children gain from learning a second language is learning to handle challenges. Learning a new language from scratch is not easy and when children see that they have achieved it, apart from improving their self-esteem, it is also an impulse to keep going in difficult situations.

Dat Nguyen


Pharmacist at .

Academic Success

Children can benefit from learning a second language in a private school in several ways:

    1. Cognitive development: Learning a second language can enhance cognitive skills, including improved memory, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. It can also boost brain development, especially in areas related to language processing.

    2. Academic success: Bilingual children may have better academic performance, as they develop skills that transfer to other subjects, such as improved reading, writing, and communication skills. Bilingualism can also provide an advantage in college admissions and career opportunities.

    3. Cultural awareness: Learning a second language can foster an appreciation and understanding of different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. It promotes global awareness and prepares children to be more culturally competent in a diverse world.

    4. Communication skills: Bilingual children develop strong communication skills, as they learn to listen, speak, read, and write in two languages. This can enhance their ability to communicate effectively with a wider range of people and in diverse settings.

    5. Social skills: Bilingualism can improve social skills, including better interpersonal communication, increased empathy, and tolerance towards diversity. It can also facilitate connections and friendships with people from different linguistic backgrounds.

    6. Cognitive flexibility: Bilingual children develop cognitive flexibility, as they learn to switch between two languages and adapt to different language contexts. This can enhance their adaptability, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

    7. Enriched cultural experiences: Private schools often offer immersive language programs that provide enriched cultural experiences, such as language-related activities, field trips, and cultural events. This can broaden children’s horizons and enrich their educational journey.

Overall, learning a second language in a private school can offer children numerous cognitive, academic, social, and cultural benefits that can positively impact their personal and educational growth.

Amy Smith

Amy Smith

Co-Owner and Blogger at .

Increased Opportunities

In today’s globalized world, becoming bilingual or even multilingual can provide numerous advantages for children. Children can reap three main benefits from learning a second language in a private school.

    1. Enhanced Cognitive Development: Research has shown that learning a second language early can significantly enhance cognitive development. Children exposed to a second language often display improved problem-solving skills, better critical thinking abilities, and heightened creativity. Private schools typically offer smaller class sizes and highly-trained teachers, which allows for personalized and focused attention on each child’s language learning. This tailored approach can help students grasp the language more quickly, strengthening their cognitive abilities.

    2. Cultural Enrichment: When children learn a second language, they learn vocabulary and grammar and gain insights into another culture. Private schools often emphasize the importance of cultural exchange, integrating different customs, traditions, and celebrations into their language curriculum. This exposure to diverse cultures helps children develop a broader worldview, fostering empathy, respect, and understanding for people from different backgrounds. In turn, these qualities can greatly contribute to their overall personal development and social skills.

    3. Increased Future Opportunities: In our increasingly interconnected world, being bilingual or multilingual can open doors to numerous opportunities for children as they grow up. From higher education to professional careers, having proficiency in a second language can give children a competitive edge. Private schools often have strong connections with prestigious universities and international institutions, which can help students gain access to unique programs, internships, and other opportunities. Private schools may also offer advanced language courses or immersion programs, allowing students to achieve fluency and pursue studies or careers abroad.

Learning a second language in a private school can provide children with many benefits, ranging from enhanced cognitive development to cultural enrichment and increased opportunities. I encourage fellow parents to consider the advantages of exposing their children to a second language in a private school setting. Investing in their education and personal growth can yield lifelong rewards and help them thrive in our diverse and interconnected world.

Leighanne Everhart

Leighanne Everhart

Encourage Empathy

There are several advantages to exposing kids to a new language, and private schools can offer unique benefits in this area.

Firstly, learning a second language in a private school can encourage empathy. When children learn another language, they gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and lifestyles. This can help them develop more empathy towards people from different backgrounds.

Secondly, there is an academic advantage to learning a second language. Studies have shown that kids who learn a second language tend to perform better in other academic areas. This is because learning a new language can improve cognitive development and critical thinking skills.

In addition to cognitive benefits, learning a second language in a private school can also foster cultural understanding. Private schools often have more diverse student bodies, which means that children have a chance to engage with peers from different backgrounds. This exposure can help them understand and appreciate different cultures and traditions.

In summary, there are numerous benefits to children learning a second language in a private school. From encouraging empathy to promoting academic and cognitive development, private schools are well-equipped to help kids thrive in this area. By nurturing cultural understanding and appreciation, private schools can help children become global citizens who are prepared for a multicultural world.

Rohan Kadam

Rohan Kadam

Adventure Addict and Blogger at .

Personal Growth

    ● Cognitive development: Learning a second language can enhance a child’s cognitive abilities, such as memory, problem-solving, and creativity.

    ● Cultural awareness: Exposure to a new language can broaden a child’s cultural horizons and help them appreciate different perspectives and ways of life.

    ● Career opportunities: In today’s global economy, knowing a second language can be a valuable asset for future job opportunities and international business.

    ● Communication skills: Learning a second language can improve a child’s communication skills in their first language as well, as they become more aware of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.

    ● Personal growth: Learning a second language can be a challenging and rewarding experience, and can help children develop self-discipline, perseverance, and confidence.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors’ statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.

Jacqueline Servantess

How can Christian school teachers instill values and encourage their students to follow Christian living?

Simply attending a Christian school will not instill Christian values into a student. What can teachers at Christian schools do to help encourage their students to follow Christian living? How can they ensure values are being imparted on the youth? Some of our readers had some ideas for teachers, or anyone who has an influential role in the lives of young individuals. Keep reading to find out what they recommend.

Jacqueline Servantess

Jacqueline Servantess

Live By Example

    1. Live by Example. One of the best ways to help encourage these things in students is to live it out by example. Be a sincere follower of Christ. Continue in daily prayer, Bible reading, and obedience. Continue to be in community with other born-again Christians and “walk the walk.” This is something that no specific actions or words could necessarily replace, as being that authentic Christian in itself is something that can and will help encourage students to follow that example.

    2. Daily Corporate Prayer and Holy Bible Reading. Corporate Prayer can be a time where The Spirit of God is given space to move and speak through the teacher as well as the students. Students should be free to take part in this prayer time and be encouraged to do so. When possible, each student should be asked to take part and encouraged that even if they are uncomfortable or unsure what to say, once they begin to pray, the words will come to them automatically.

    Bible reading can and should be done as a class on a regular basis (as well as something the students should be doing independently.) They can be taught that when they pray and read the Bible every day, this will help them make the right choices in their life, which will help them arrive at the places they want to be and with the blessings they hope for.

    3. Personal Relationship with Jesus. The students should be encouraged to be sure they are praying and reading the Bible independently on a daily basis as one-on-one time with God. They can be taught that the Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is their Comforter and teacher and loves them tremendously. They can also be encouraged to be sure to give their life to the Lord Jesus Christ 100% and believe in Him with all of their heart, and that in doing so, they will be born again, and from there can be baptized as per “The Great Commission” given by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28.

    4. Social Life Awareness. Teach the students that sometimes a person’s circle may “make them or break them,” and review the many Bible verses on this topic. This includes 1 Corinthians 15:33 about how bad company corrupts good morals and Proverbs 13:20. They should know that social media can be a major pitfall for many adults and children alike, with regards to avoiding negative influences or bad behavior. This is something to be aware of and be on guard against as they consider how to handle this big responsibility if it is something that they are taking part in.

    5. The Value of Community. Having people around them to help hold each other accountable, including adults who they can turn to and who will be there to speak blessings into their lives, is also something that they would all ideally have. Through family, church, school, friends, and so on, if they can find and be part of a solid Christian and God-fearing community that they can trust, that walks in holiness and obedience, bearing those good fruits consistently, then that is a blessing that they can be very thankful for. They can continue to pray for it if it is not yet something they already have in place.

Aura De Los Santos

Aura De Los Santos

Clinical Psychologist, Specialist at .

Teach from a Perspective of Love

Teachers of Christian schools can inculcate and motivate the students to follow the Christian life by teaching the word of God from a perspective of love and not fear. There are Christian denominations that teach the word of God from a position of fear; they teach others that if they do not follow God and all the established rules they will die in hell. This can make people scared, and they cannot understand the message in a more healthy and positive way.

Teachers in schools can highlight the benefits of reading God’s word, how to become wiser, how to handle difficult situations, how to avoid problems, and how to live a healthier life. They can connect the word of God with the experiences of students. Many students may have problems understanding the word of God since they feel they do not identify with what is written in the Bible, so the teacher must make a connection between what is in the Bible and the lives of the students.

Talking about stories of characters from the Bible who went through different situations and finally solved them can be used to help a student solve a problem they currently have. Seeing that the Bible is a book that can guide them will give them greater curiosity and interest.

Mo Mulla

Mo Mulla

Founder of .

Incorporate Elements Of Faith

Christian school teachers can instill values and encourage their students to follow Christian living by incorporating elements of faith into lessons, leading by example, engaging in meaningful dialogue with students, setting high expectations and helping them build a strong spiritual foundation. They should also provide practical guidance on how to live a life according to biblical principles. Other activities such as prayer before class and organized field trips that promote learning about Christianity may also be helpful for students in learning the importance of Christian living.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors’ statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.

Victoria Taylor

Will sending a child to a Christian school help them become a better person?

Children spend a lot of time within the walls of their school, so it’s no surprise that parents may want to be selective about where they send their child. While there are many factors to be considered regarding school choice, whether or not a school is a Christian school is an important one. Some of our readers have expressed opinions about whether or not attending a Christian school will help children become better people. Keep reading to find out what they think.

Mark Joseph

Mark Joseph

Founder of .

Strong Emphasis on Community and Service

I once thought of enrolling my kid in a Christian school, but I was hesitant. What would it be like? After researching and speaking with people who had children in Christian schools, I found many benefits of a Christian school. Though I did not get to send my kid there due to circumstances, I understood the potential advantages of enrolling your child in one.

One of the main benefits is that Christian values will surround your child. The faculty and students in a Christian school uphold Christian principles, which can help shape your child’s moral compass. This environment allows children to connect with other Christians and develop meaningful relationships based on shared faith and beliefs.

Another advantage of sending your child to a Christian school is that they may receive more personalized instruction than at public schools. Classes are usually smaller, and teachers have more individual attention, allowing them to better understand each child’s strengths and weaknesses and develop accordingly. The curriculum will often focus on religious teachings, so it’s an excellent chance for kids to learn more about Christianity while still getting a quality education.

Christian schools often have a strong emphasis on community and service. They may offer students volunteer opportunities or include activities emphasizing helping others in need. This can help instill a sense of purpose in your child and important life skills such as empathy, humility, and responsibility.

Derrick Hathaway

Derrick Hathaway

Sales Director at .

Exposure to the Bible’s Content

Sending a child to a good Christian school helps mold the child into a better person. This is because the scripture is the main text of a good Christian school. In a Christian school, a child is greatly exposed to the Bible’s content which helps them to apply what they learn to their daily life and activities.

Teachers guide students in identifying the text’s values before demonstrating how they might use them to comprehend their surroundings. A biblical perspective informs it. A Christian school provides a secure and welcoming environment where children can learn about God’s Word, while most public schools do not permit Bible education.

There are several reasons why sending a child to a good Christian school is advantageous. The emphasis at school could not be the same as everything you teach at home. However, if you pick a Christian school above a government one, you can be confident that the faculty shares your values and those of your family. Peer pressure concerns and negative impacts may become unimportant.

Children who lack a strong spiritual foundation may drift away from the Bible as they age. With Christian schooling, you can assist in preserving your child to be on a good track. A Christian school bases every decision on theological and scriptural truth. In addition to learning how to live out their Christian ideals, children also learn how to develop their faith. Students also acquire problem-solving techniques from a Christ-centered, biblical worldview.

Mo Mulla

Mo Mulla

Founder of .

Emphasis on Values

Yes, sending a child to a Christian school can help them become a better person. The teachings at a Christian school often emphasize values such as courage, integrity, kindness, respect and responsibility. In this environment children learn these values through lessons taught both in the classroom and by example.

Participating in religious activities such as service projects and prayer provides an opportunity for children to develop deeper connections to their faith while growing spiritually with their peers. With these strong moral foundations in place, the potential for developing into successful adults is greatly increased. This is why sending your child to a Christian school can be beneficial in helping them become better people overall.

Jacob Briones

Jacob Briones

Founder & CEO of .

Quality Education with God’s Words

A Christian school changes your children’s lives by teaching them what the holy Bible teaches. All other academic disciplines, math, science, history, etc., are taught accordingly. A Christian school instills exceptional values in the students. If you enroll your child in a Christian school, they will receive a quality education that uses God’s words as its primary context. It will help the students become more knowledgeable, mature, and sensible.

Moreover, in keeping with the desire to achieve academic achievement, a Christian school places high importance on character development. It provides a more secure emotional and spiritual setting, encouraging students to put their attention on studying rather than other unimportant tasks.

Victoria Taylor

Victoria Taylor

Founder/Teacher of .

Learn Life Lessons

As a mother, I believe sending my child to a Christian school can help them become a better person through the teachings of Jesus and other biblical figures. Through this type of education, they will learn important lessons about respecting authority, being kind to others, showing compassion and understanding, and living with faith. Moreover, the Christian school environment provides an atmosphere of safety, which encourages academic growth while also reinforcing values that serve as strong moral foundations for becoming successful adults in today’s society.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors’ statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.

Kelly Mason

How can you motivate your children to learn coding and computer science in a fun way?

Teaching your kids about computers can seem like a mundane to them. But, if you can make learning a skill, such as coding, a fun experience, chances are that they will stick with it. So how can parents make coding more fun than scraping dinner scraps into the garbage? Some of our readers had some recommendations; read them below.

Grace Baena

Grace Baena

Grace Baena, Director of Brand of Kaiyo.

Find a Kid-friendly Coding Program

To motivate your child to get interested in coding, consider enrolling them in a fun kid-friendly coding program. For example, there are multiple virtual coding summer camps available, and students of all ages can also take virtual classes throughout the year. Enrolling them in an age-appropriate program ensures the right level of difficulty, which helps them stay challenged and engaged.

Christen Costa

Christen Costa

Christen Costa, CEO, Gadget Review.

Take a Sample Class

A great way to get your child interested in computer science is to let them take a sample class appropriate for their age and skill. Dozens of online organizations offer short-term classes as an introduction to coding. If your child falls in love with the concept, you can invest in more in-depth (but still age-appropriate) courses to help build their skills.

Nick Valentino

Nick Valentino

Nick Valentino, VP of Market Operations of Bellhop.

See Coding in Real-life Scenarios

Instead of framing coding as just another topic to study and work towards, frame it as an engaging and fun activity. Take them to events such as hackathons where they can see coding being used in real-life scenarios and they can mingle with other coders. You can also introduce online tutorials that act as games to make learning more enjoyable.

Andy Kalmon

Andy Kalmon

Andy Kalmon, CEO of Benny.

Explore Free Games Online

There are a lot of fun games for kids designed to help them learn to code. There are free games online, and there are also games you can pay for if your child is getting advanced. Kids often learn much better, and with more open-mindedness, when they can learn and play a game at the same time. It makes goals seem easier to achieve, and it takes a lot of the pressure away from the learning scenario.

Kyle MacDonald

Kyle MacDonald

Kyle MacDonald, Director of Operations, Force by Mojio.

Focus on Skills First

To get your kids interested in learning to code or computer science, try to focus on the skills they need first, without even bringing up coding or computer science. Your kids are going to need to know how to problem solve, have a basic understanding of logic, and will need to be good with numbers. All of these skills can be learned through various games and activities that kids are normally interested in. Focus on the skills needed to be able to code first, then show them how those skills will help them excel at coding. Your kids will be creating their own software in no time.

Kelly Mason

Kelly Mason

Kelly Mason, Tutor Lead, Business Leader & Content Editor at TheTutor.Link.

Incorporate Coding in Everyday Activities

    ● Use Toys and Games. Create fun activities that involve coding and computer science. For example, use a game like Minecraft to encourage children to explore coding concepts while they play.

    ● Involve Children in Projects. Involve your children in coding and computer science projects. Allow them to participate in programming challenges, coding games, and even coding projects.

    ● Introduce Coding and Computer Science to Kids. Introduce them to coding and computer science professionals. Show them what successful people in the field look like and what they can do with a coding and computer science degree.

    ● Incorporate Coding into Everyday Activities. Incorporate coding and computer science into everyday activities. For example, use coding to create a story or create an interactive game that your children can play with friends.

Rahul Vij

Rahul Vij

Rahul Vij, CEO at Webspero Solutions.

Tap into Your Child’s Passions

    ● Tap Into Your Child’s Passions. Coding is a process that helps in creating different kinds of programs. You must encourage your child to try something that seems interesting to them.

    If your child is a sports fanatic, then you must push them in the direction of building websites that track the stats of every player and team.

    You must tap into something which your kid already enjoys doing and then introduce them to the world of coding so that they can bring their ideas to life.

    ● Emphasizing That Coding Is Equal To Creativity. Besides math, problem-solving, and science knowledge, coding is also about creativity. The stereotypical computer programmers might scare away your child from coding. But if you portray coding as something which creatively makes things come to life – it might help them get interested in coding. Emphasize creativity as it will naturally capture your child’s interest in learning some core programming skills along the way.

Always make sure to keep coding lessons fun and don’t force it onto them.

Troy Portillo

Troy Portillo, Director of Operations of Studypool.

Find Coding Games

Children are almost always more motivated to learn when the learning is incorporated into some kind of a game. When they learn this way, it doesn’t feel like learning they are being graded on, it just feels like fun! So, one of the best ways to motivate your children to learn coding and computer science is by finding learning games for those topics.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors’ statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.

Kyle Crisp

How can I make sure my child is “internet-safe” while attending online school?

The internet is not a safe place for young children to explore alone. However, when used safely, it can be an excellent resource to help children learn and even attend classes. If your child is going to be participating in online schooling, it is vital to teach them how to safely use the internet. Here are some suggestions you might consider to prepare for the start of online classes.

Umair Ali

Umair Ali

Umair Ali, Founder of

5 Internet Safety Tips for Online Schooling

1. Set up Parental Controls
Make sure that your child’s device has appropriate parental controls in place to block inappropriate content and limit screen time.

2. Discuss Internet Safety
Talk to your child about internet safety and the importance of not sharing personal information online. Emphasize the importance of using strong passwords and being cautious about what they click on or download.

3. Set Boundaries for Online Activity
Determine appropriate times for your child to be online and establish rules for their internet use. This can include setting limits on social media and gaming and making sure that they are only accessing age-appropriate content.

4. Supervise Internet Use
Consider setting up your child’s device in a common area of the house where you can monitor their internet activity. This can help you catch any potential issues or concerns early on.

5. Be a Good Role Model
Practice good online behavior yourself, as your child will likely model their own behavior after yours.

Kyle Crisp

Kyle Crisp

Kyle Crisp, Founder of Stevesguides.

Be Proactive to Keep Your Child Safe Online

As a parent, it’s important to make sure that your child is “internet-safe” while attending online school. Here are a few things you can do to help ensure their safety:

    ● Set up parental controls on your home internet connection. This will allow you to filter out inappropriate content and restrict your child’s access to certain websites or apps.

    ● Set up your child’s computer or device in a public location in your home, such as the living room or kitchen. This will allow you to easily monitor their online activity and make sure they are staying safe.

    ● Encourage your child to use strong and unique passwords for their online accounts. This will help protect their personal information and keep them safe from online threats.

    ● Discuss internet safety with your child. Talk to them about the importance of protecting their personal information and not sharing it with strangers online. Remind them to be cautious when interacting with people they don’t know online and to never meet someone in person who they have only met online.

    ● Keep the lines of communication open with your child and their teachers. Stay involved in their online learning experience and make sure they feel comfortable coming to you if they encounter any problems or concerns.

Martin Betch

Martin Betch

Martin Betch, Co-Founder at Hi-van.

Teach Your Kids That Information Posted Online is not Entirely Private

Teach your kids that anything shared online is shared in perpetuity. Even if something was never “public,” anything on the internet can be removed. Children might need to understand that anything they say, display, or share online is permanent. You must make sure they are aware of the various ways in which this knowledge is preserved.

Nothing on the internet can be permanently deleted because of its structure. There will always be data artifacts—almost like breadcrumbs—left behind.

Another method that private data is kept around for longer than intended is people. Someone will always be able to save any images, messages, or other data your child transmits.

Through spyware or man-in-the-middle assaults, your child’s devices may even be used to eavesdrop.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors’ statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.

Martin Betch

How can I help my child feel comfortable in online virtual school?

Learning virtually can be challenging for children used to a traditional classroom environment. However, virtual school can be a positive experience and a great option. Here are some tips from our readers to help make learning online more comfortable for your child.

Mo Mulla

Mo Mulla

Mo Mulla, Founder of Parental Questions.

Provide a Space to Work and Structure

The most important thing is to ensure that they have a dedicated space at home where they can focus and learn without any distractions. A quiet, comfortable workspace with perhaps some motivational posters or other decorations to inspire them can go a long way toward creating a positive learning environment.

Also, try to create structure and routine around their virtual school day. Having designated times for when they log on or off, breaks throughout the day, and a consistent schedule of classes can help them stay focused and organized. Make sure [the] child is aware of all the resources available to them. This could include tutoring, extra assistance, or advice from their teachers.

Martin Betch

Martin Betch

Martin Betch, Co-Founder at Hi-van.

Utilize a Dedicated Space in Your Home

Even when kids can’t be in a traditional classroom setting, you may still make your house a place that encourages learning. Allow your youngster to utilize your home office or study for school if you have one. Look into classroom decoration ideas and purchase some enjoyable learning materials.

If you don’t have an office or a study, look for a calm area that you can use only for your child’s education. Ensure your youngster feels at ease in the area and forbid anyone else from using it for anything other than academic objectives.

This teaches your youngster’s brain to adopt the proper attitude when using the computer at their workstation.

Shawn Mahaffey

Shawn Mahaffey is the founder of Wing It.

The More They Know – the Better

Make your child comfortable with online virtual classes by giving them a better understanding of their learning space, their classmates and teachers, as well as how to take notes and answer questions [and] how to use a device during the class. Knowing more about the virtual class will help them concentrate on the lesson and not worry about the class. They will be more comfortable with online classes if they know more about virtual classes.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors’ statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.

David Huang

Why should I choose a Christian school for my child?

With so much pressure to get ahead academically, parents may be tempted to start their child’s formal education earlier. Is that a beneficial choice for the child? Why or why not? Some individuals weighed in on the consequences of starting school before the traditional age. Keep reading to find out if those consequences were positive or negative.

Vidya Soman

Vidya Soman

Undeveloped Socially and Emotionally

While there may be individual cases where sending a child to school earlier than the ideal age proves beneficial, it’s crucial to consider the long-term impact on their career development. Early entry may provide academic advantages, but fostering social and emotional development is equally important.

Allowing children to fully develop their social skills, emotional intelligence, and self-confidence through age-appropriate interactions and experiences can significantly benefit their future careers. These skills are vital for effective communication, teamwork, leadership, and adaptability in the workplace.

Moreover, delaying entry to school can provide additional time for children to explore their interests, develop a strong foundation in cognitive abilities, and build a solid sense of self before entering formal education. This holistic development can better align their skills, passions, and career choices later in life.

It’s essential to strike a balance between early academic exposure and the child’s overall growth and well-being. Factors like the child’s readiness, maturity, and emotional intelligence can help parents make an informed decision.

Matt Benton

Matt Benton

CEO of .

Potential Cognitive Challenges

While there may be cases where sending a child to school earlier than the ideal age could be beneficial, it is generally not recommended due to potential cognitive, social, and emotional challenges. Here are some reasons why:

    ● Cognitive development: Young children develop at different rates, and starting school too early may place undue pressure on a child who is not yet cognitively ready for the academic demands of formal education. This could lead to frustration, anxiety, and a negative attitude toward learning.

    ● Social and emotional development: Children who start school early may struggle with social and emotional skills, such as self-regulation, empathy, and the ability to form relationships with peers. This can result in feelings of isolation, poor self-esteem, and difficulties with behavior management.

    ● Maturity level: Younger children are more likely to be less mature than their older classmates, which can lead to difficulties with impulse control, decision-making, and problem-solving.

    ● Long-term outcomes: Research has shown that children who start school early may initially excel academically, but these advantages often diminish over time. In some cases, early school entry has been linked to poorer long-term academic and social outcomes.

It is essential to consider each child’s unique developmental needs and abilities when making decisions about school entry. In many cases, it may be more beneficial to provide additional support and opportunities for growth through high-quality preschool programs or other age-appropriate learning experiences before starting formal schooling.

Johnson Joe

Educational Consultant and Blogger at .

Stress to the Child

The recommended age for starting school is typically around five to six years old. This age range allows children to have ample time to develop crucial social, emotional, and cognitive skills necessary for a successful educational journey.

Starting school earlier than the ideal age is generally not beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it may put undue stress on the child if they are not emotionally, socially, or cognitively prepared to handle the demands of a formal education setting. Younger children may also lack the necessary maturity and readiness skills, such as attention span, self-control, and problem-solving abilities, which are crucial for successful learning in a classroom environment.

Additionally, starting school too early can have a negative impact on a child’s social and emotional well-being. They might struggle to keep up with older peers, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. It’s important to consider the child’s emotional readiness to navigate social interactions and build relationships with classmates.

Research suggests that children who start school at an appropriate age, when they are developmentally ready, tend to perform better academically in the long run. This is because they have a solid foundation and are better equipped to handle the challenges of the curriculum as they progress through the educational system.

While there may be exceptional cases where early entry to school is appropriate, following the recommended age guidelines is generally advisable. This approach ensures a smoother and more successful educational journey for the child, allowing them to develop the necessary skills and thrive academically and socially.

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